Typically your A/C System will not cool properly due to low or old refrigerant in the system. We can charge the system to proper specs and have it cooling again. Our Standard A/C service starts at $34.95 and includes 1 can of refrigerant. Should the system require more refrigerant they are an additional $14.95 per can.
It is not uncommon for an A/C compressor to wear out and require replacement. This is also the most important component. These services are priced on a case by case basis due to the vast differences in vehicles. Please come by the shop or call (423 305 1133) today to schedule an appointment and inquire about pricing.
The vehicle’s A/C condenser is usually located in the front of the radiator. The condenser works to reduce the temperature and pressure of hot gasses coming from the refrigerant. These repairs are priced on a case by case basis due to the vast differences in vehicles. Please come by the shop or call (423 305 1133) today to schedule an appointment and inquire about pricing.
The receiver/dryer works to separate gas from liquid. The compressor can be ruined if any liquid gets in. The compressor isn’t designed for liquids, just gasses. These repairs are priced on a case by case basis due to the vast differences in vehicles. Please come by the shop or call (423 305 1133) today to schedule an appointment and inquire about pricing.
The evaporator is usually behind or beneath the dash. It cools the air blowing into the cabin using the refrigerant so that you get cool, refreshing air. These repairs are priced on a case by case basis due to the vast differences in vehicles. Please come by the shop or call (423 305 1133) today to schedule an appointment and inquire about pricing.